Consulting services


Consulting services

Addressing Your Specific Questions and Needs Through Reliable Advices

Equip yourself with the most sufficient strategies, to prevent unwanted time slack and unexpected requirements.

Meet our team and obtain best insights. Through our remarkable experience in clinical trial in Indonesia, as well as our wide network established throughout local hospitals, KOLs and regulatory officials, we will bring your study plan on the right track which thus could help you to accelerate towards the company goals.

What We Do?

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Consumer Product Clinical Assessment


Consumer Product Clinical Assessment

Helping To Deliver Answers For Efficacy Questions

CPCA is part of Prodia the CRO which conducts clinical trial or tests on consumer products, especially beauty products and personal care.

We offer a complete range of scientific studies to support the assessment on safety and efficacy of your product including Visual Assessment, Instrument Measurement, and Subject Self-Assessment.
If Sponsor need any test other than describe, CPCA can provide with Dermatologist assistance.

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The best product is inspired by consumer, so we are redefining the role of Consumer Product Clinical Assessment.

Prodia the CRO elevated their business by providing service for clinical trial in the consumer product field, especially beauty products and personal care.

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Site Management Organization


Site Management Organization

Bringing Clinical Trial Closer to
the Sites and Patients

A success on clinical trial conduct requires a good site management system. By doing so, the site team might be able to perform clinical trial activities effectively and efficiently whilst ensure the compliance to protocol, Good Clinical Practice guideline and other applicable regulations. At the end, it ensures data integrity and protections of human subjects that involved in clinical trial.

Site Management Organization (SMO) division in Prodia that has been initiated since 2014 aimed to improve the clinical trial awareness and strengthen the capacity of the trial sites in Indonesia.


SMO also provides integrated service in supporting clinical trials including feasibility study to identify strategies to mitigate the costs and risks associated with the proposed trials, site and investigator selection to assess and select the sites and investigators to site suitability on the proposed trials, ensure site and investigator compliance with the protocol, ICH-GCP, all applicable regulations and time constraints.

Site Management Organization also provides support to the site such as providing committed and qualified study staff to ensure day to day conduct of clinical trial according to GCP, providing trainings for all study personnel, providing subjects recruitment service to ensure site can meet the target subject and timeline, and also performing trial site capacity building through Clinical Research Unit Development.

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Clinical Laboratory Service


Clinical Laboratory Service

Delivering Meaningful Picture of Patient's Condition

Our older sister company, Prodia Laboratory, through their Central Laboratory will support us in clinical trial services, starting from collecting up to analyzing the specimens as well as preparing the specimen kits. Samples will be collected in more simplified scheme, by having Prodia Laboratory whose 250+ outlets spread accross Indonesia, on our side, to reach the clinical trial sites.

All study procedures are conducted in compliance with ISO 9001 and ISO 15189. Prodia Central Laboratory is the first and the only CAP-accredited laboratory in Indonesia, which is also certified with NGSP and a year-long member of Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institutes – CLSI (USA). 


Prodia Laboratory’s extensive internal quality control procedures (performed by Technical Quality Assurance Unit), extensive external quality control procedures (RCPA Quality Assurance Programs – Australasia, EQAS- Biorad, PNPME – Dept. of Health Republic of Indonesia) and comprehensive quality assurance programs and compliance to GLP procedures will surely help to ease your mind when it comes to sample management.

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Would you like to know more about Clinical Laboratory Services?

Clinical research services


Clinical research services

Helping To Deliver Answers For Research Questions.

Prodia the CRO’s approach is by providing our clients with solutions which are customizable to their requirements, cost-effective, secure, regulatory compliant and supported by an effective data collection process.

We understand that CRO has an important function in clinical trial, hence, we commit for the completeness, accuracy, reliability and time-efectiveness of our project. Our solutions are tailored to meet your needs, delivered by our experienced staff and along with our knowledgable experts and consultants.

What We Do?

Clinical Trial (Regulatory/Ethical Committee) Submission

Investigational Product Management

Study Monitoring &

Data Management &


Quality Assurance
& Audit

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The best invention is figured out through research, so we are eager to contribute in the evolution of healthcare management

Prodia the CRO takes care of clinical trial aspects from different angles; be it sponsor’s point of view, investigator’s, regulatory’s, even subject’s. Through our deep understanding of the clinical trial ecosystem, we will deliver the best experience of research to you.

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