Prodia The CRO: Course and Workshop on Good Clinical Practice (GCP) in Faculty of Dentistry, Trisakti University

JAKARTA – The Course and Workshop on Good Clinical Practice (GCP) was held by PT. Prodia Diacro Laboratories (Prodia the CRO), the Indonesian Association for The Study of Medicinals (IASMED) in collaboration with Faculty of Dentistry in Trisakti University on 18-19 February 2019. This course consists of 10 topics started from the introduction of the International Conference of Harmonization – Good Clinical Practice up to Sponsor/Contract Research Organization (CRO) Responsibilities. This course is held by the faculty to ensure all the dentists who work as a lecturers and faculty staffs trained and understand how to conduct a good clinical research, since many of them work in Trisakti Dental and Oral Hospital and conducting clinical research is a priority. Hence, this ensures the protection of the subjects’ safety, rights and wellbeing and the reliability of clinical trial data.

Triskati University is one of the largest private university in Indonesia that is located in Jakarta. In this course, there was 30 participants attended who are all dentists. During this event, all the participants were enthusiastically participated in all the sessions. Thus, they received both the certificate of attendance and competence.

IASMED Seminars 2025 “Moving Forward: Indonesian Clinical Trial”

The IASMED 2025 Scientific Seminar “Moving Forward: Indonesian Clinical Trial” was held on Saturday, January 18, 2025, by Indonesia’s clinical trial association, The Indonesian Association for The Study of Medicines (IASMED).

Prof. dr. Tarunan Ikrar, M.Biomed. PhD was speaking about Readiness of Clinical Trial Site on IASMED Scientific Seminar January 18th, 2025

This seminar is aimed to provide IASMED members to update information regarding clinical trial sites in order to improve the quality and quantity of clinical trials in Indonesia, especially multi-regional clinical trials (MRCT). There are two sessions on this scientific seminar. The first session consists of 4 speakers that are apt. Indri Rooslamiati, M.Sc as the Head of BB Binomika, Prof. dr. Taruna Ikrar, M.Biomed., Ph.D – Head of BPOM, Prof. Young Joo Par as  Vice President DIA Korea, Singapore, and Southeast Asia and Dra. Endang W. Hoyaranda as the head of IASMED. The second session is a panel discussion with the clinical trial stakeholders.  One of the main speaker is Prof. dr. Taruna Ikrar, M.Biomed., Ph.D – Head of BPOM. He said that BPOM will continue to supervise the clinical trial center’s infrastructure and personnel and keep fostering collaboration and integration among academia, business, and governance. There is also a networking session on this seminar where IASMED members can meet representatives from Clinical Research Unit of many hospitals and other clinical trials collaborators.

Panel Discussion Session that discuss about Clinical Research Unit (CRU) and the Future of Indonesia Clinical Trial on IASMED Scientific seminar that was held on January 18th, 2025.

In this event, also was attended bt  clinical trial professionals such as Prof. Dr. Rianto Setiabudy, Prof. Arini Setiawati, and Prof. Young Joo Park, Vice President of the Drug Information Association (DIA) Korea, Singapore, and Southeast Asia, Indri Rooslamiati, M.Sc., Apt. Head of BB Binomika, CRUs, sponsors, global and local CROs.

In addition to the scientific agenda,during this eventalso celebrated the election of the IASMED chairs, including the new IASMED committee chairs and IASMED supervisory board chair.  May IASMED continued success and contribute more to enhancing the quality and quantity of clinical trials in Indonesia.

Prodia the CRO, believes that this marked as an excellent time for clinical trials in Indonesia. Prodia the CRO is a Contract Research Organization (CRO) based in Indonesia which provides GCP-based Clinical Trial supports through our integrated and wide range of services. Prodia the CRO has accumulated many experiences providing services to local as well as multinational companies with commitment to reach quality through qualified and dedicated resources. It provides customers in GCP trials with competitive costs, firm timeliness, and high compliance to ICH-GCP guidelines(CDF).

Prodia the CRO : Indonesia CRO Company of the Year 2024

Indonesia’s contract research organization (CRO) industry is rapidly growing since Indonesia to become the destination for clinical trials. Prodia the CRO leads the Contract Research Organization marketplace with comprehensive solutions and customer-focused strategies. Prodia the CRO empowers efficient and successful clinical trials. Its exceptional capabilities in navigating local regulatory requirements and expanding clinical trial capacity make it a trusted partner renowned for delivering outstanding value in the CRO market.
Prodia the CRO has a strong track record of conducting efficient and successful clinical trials. The company is committed to supporting clients throughout the process, ensuring that every aspect of the clinical trials is optimized.

“Frost & Sullivan applauds Prodia the CRO’s agility to adapt to the dynamic clinical trial ecosystem and customers’ increasingly complex demands. Its dedication to enhancing its study designs and methodologies to accommodate advanced drug studies reinforces its leadership in the local CRO industry and broader AsiaPacific market.”- Unmesh Lal Research Director
“Frost & Sullivan is impressed by Prodia the CRO’s strong customer focus, driven by its commitment to customer success and delivering a seamless experience. With its solid customer relationships, the company is well-positioned to capitalize on the rising trend of CRO outsourcing and the growth of the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries in Indonesia.”- Rubini Kamal Best Practices Research Analyst

With its strong overall performance, Prodia the CRO earns Frost & Sullivan’s 2024 Indonesia Company of the Year Award in the contract research organizations industry. Numerous factors have contributed to this recognition, including the diligence of our staff and, most importantly, the confidence of our clients, partners, and investors who make important choices every day to support Prodia the CRO and shape our future.

Workshop Peluang dan Optimalisasi Penyelenggaraan Penelitian Mandiri Berbasis Rumah Sakit: Strategi, Sumber Daya, dan Kolaborasi

Kamis, 16 Januari 2025; Pk. 13.00 – 17.00 WIB
Biaya Rp 500.000
Link Pendaftaran:

Workshop Pengantar Penyusunan Protokol Uji Klinik

Jumat, 17 Januari 2025; Pk. 08.00 – 11.30 WIB
Biaya Rp 500.000
Link Pendaftaran:

Workshop Pengembangan CRU untuk Mendukung Uji Klinik Sesuai Standar CUKB

Kamis, 16 Januari 2025; Pk. 08.00 – 12.15 WIB
Biaya: Rp 500.000
Link Pendaftaran:

The Synergy of the BPOM, Ministry of Health, and BRIN to Create a Clinical Trial Ecosystem in Indonesia

Prodia The CRO team, represented by Erizal Sugiono (Director) and Rosalia Napitupulu (Business Development Manager), attended a forum group discussion initiated by Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) on October 31, 2024, held in Fairmont Hotel, Jakarta.

The topic of this discussion was “A Blueprint for Innovation Success: Optimal Quality of Clinical Trial Centers and Practitioners”. The event was held as a follow up of the Cooperation Agreement between BPOM, the Ministry of Health (MoH), and the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) which was signed on July 19, 2024.

The scope of cooperation agreement includes the coordination in the clinical research approval, clinical research center mapping and guidance, clinical research registry, and improvement of clinical research practitioners competency. It is hoped that by the synergy in national policies related to research development, and utilization of science and technology, as well as clinical trial services and supervision, can be achieved.

The roles and duties of BPOM in clinical trials were described by Ria Christine Siagian, Director of Drug Registration, BPOM. The responsibilities include assessing applications for approval of clinical trial implementation (PPUK), monitoring and evaluating the conducting of clinical trials, mapping clinical trial centers, providing training in good clinical trial methods (CUKB), and disseminating PPUK data and inspection findings.

According to Indri Rooslamiati (the representative of the Directorate General of Health Services, MoH), the role of the MoH in improving the quality and safety of clinical trial implementation in Indonesia paved by the establishment of Indonesia Clinical Research Center (INA-CRC), which is a one-stop solution for the implementation of clinical research. The INA-CRC initiative includes transparency of procedures and digitalization of the Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) submission, revamping clinical study that registry through the Indonesia Clinical study Registry (INA-CRR) website, and the establishment of National Ethics Committee. The data between clinical trial approval (BPOM) will be interfaced with INA-CRC.

According to Ramatun Anggraini Kiemas (Deputy for Research and Innovation Facilitation—BRIN), BRIN is in charge of bolstering and coordinating institutions through the creation and accreditation of the Health Ethics Commission, financing the conduct of pre-clinical and clinical trials, and overseeing and carrying out clinical trials, enhancing human resource competency, and advancing clinical trial implementation.


Prodia the CRO, believes that this cooperation will result in a positive impact on clinical trials in Indonesia. This cooperation has the chance to increase both the number and quality of clinical studies while guaranteeing that they are carried out in a transparent, ethical, and GCP standard. Furthermore, we believe that this synergy approach will make Indonesia more appealing for clinical trials in global markets.

Prodia the CRO is a Contract Research Organization (CRO) based in Indonesia which provides GCP-based Clinical Trial supports through our integrated and wide range of services. Prodia the CRO has accumulated many experiences providing services to local as well as multinational companies with commitment to reach quality through qualified and dedicated resources. It provides customers in GCP trials with competitive costs, firm timeliness, high compliance to ICH-GCP guidelines.

The Launching of Indonesia Clinical Research Center (INA-CRC)

The Prodia CRO team attended the launch of the Indonesia Clinical Research Center (INA-CRC) which was inaugurated by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia at the Eijkman Building, dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) on October 16, 2024. The INA-CRC launch was attended by Prodia the CRO’s team, represented by Erizal Sugino (Director) and  Ida Paulina (SMO Manager).

This is a significant leap as part of the transformation of clinical research in Indonesia. In order to facilitate and coordinate Clinical Research Units (CRU) in all Indonesian hospitals, INA CRC was founded in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. HK.01.07/MENKES/1458/2023 about the Implementation of Clinical Research in Hospitals.

INA-CRC will boost Indonesia as regional clinical research hub whileplaya a role in the advancement of the transformation of clinical research in Indonesia. INA CRC is dedicated to improving national competitiveness in the health sector, driving health innovation, and emerging as a major force in international clinical research. Additionally, it will make Indonesia more competitive and appealing to both domestic and foreign enterprises as a clinical research site. The Indonesian Minister of Health said that INA CRC is the missing piece of clinical trial and health innovation in Indonesia.

Furthermore, Prodia the CRO believes that clinical trials in Indonesia may be transformed and synergized with a strong commitment from every stakeholder. According to Dr. Ida Paulina, Site Management Manager of Prodia the CRO, INA CRC is a collective aspiration that has now come into reality and is anticipated to improve clinical research unit among hospitals in Indonesia. INA CRC is expected to contribute significantly to the advancement of medical innovation in Indonesia. Prodia the CRO gives its utmost commitment working with INA CRC in delivering highest quality for clinical trials through clinical research unit establishment in hospitals across Indonesia. As the first actions after its inauguration, INA-CRC launch the initiative to transform clinical trial implementation in Indonesian. Those are the re-branding Indonesian clinical registry and simplified material transfer agreement (MTA) submission. With this transformation, sponsors will have certainty in both timeline and approval process.

About Prodi the CRO. Prodia the CRO is a Contract Research Organization (CRO) based in Indonesia which provides GCP-based Clinical Trial supports through our integrated and wide range of services. Prodia the CRO has accumulated many experiences providing services to local as well as multinational companies with commitment to reach quality through qualified and dedicated resources. It provides customers in GCP trials with competitive costs, firm timeliness, high compliance to ICH-GCP guidelines.

Prodia the CRO awarded as 2023 Indonesia CRO Company of the Year

As a leading CRO company in Indonesia, Prodia the CRO keeps on taking steps forward and strives to be in our best potential. Being the award-winner of this category for 2 years in a row increases our confidence as well as our eagerness to improve our services, to adapt more and dive deeper into this industry and give better support to our customers and partners.

Referring to Frost & Sullivan’s report, Asia-Pacific’s (APAC) contract research organization (CRO) space has matured since the COVID-19 pandemic. The region’s significance in the industry is due to a notable increase in clinical research activities, particularly during the pandemic. Thanks to evolving trial dynamics, countries like Indonesia increasingly draw drug sponsors and CROs with well-developed infrastructure and diverse demographics. Prodia the CRO with our expertise and established networking across the country, and through our local-wise understanding about the clinical trial environment, always try to ensure that the desired goal of the clinical trials which is to obtain the best research outcome in the most effective way, efficient cost and timeline, without neglecting the rights of the patients and ethical aspects of the procedures, could be reached by great trial management throughout project preparation and conduct.

This recognition is the result of many individuals: hard work of our employees, and ultimately, the trust of our customers, partners, and investors who make critical decisions every day to support Prodia the CRO and contribute to our future. Thank you for believing in Prodia the CRO. <BAN>



Prodia the CRO earns Frost & Sullivan’s 2022 Indonesia Company of the Year Award in the contract research organization industry.  (Check out the video)



In 2021, Frost & Sullivan recognizes Prodia’s commitment towards building a one-stop destination for all CRO client needs within and beyond Indonesia. Frost & Sullivan commends Prodia for successfully identifying industry challenges and directly tackling them. With its strong overall performance, PT. Prodia Diacro earns Frost & Sullivan’s 2021 Indonesia Customer Value Leadership Award in the contract research organization industry. (readmore)