“Happy Independence Day, Indonesia!”

Today, 17th of August, we pay tribute to the legacy of our forebears who fought for the freedom we cherish. Indonesia’s march towards independence stands as a testament to the fortitude and resilience of its citizens. As we commemorate our 79th Independence Day, let us reflect on the sacrifices of our heroes and the enduring spirit of our people.

This day serves as a reminder of the power in our unity and the splendour in our diversity. Our national motto, “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” – Unity in Diversity, embodies the vigour and richness of our multicultural legacy. This ethos of solidarity and tenacity also inspires Prodia the CRO, as we join hands to improve our capacity and capability for clinical trials in Indonesia. Let us strive to shape an Indonesia that fills us with pride, a place where every individual has the opportunity to realize their aspirations.

May our country flourish and continue to make its mark on the world stage. Wishing everyone a joyous Independence Day and may the essence of Merdeka perpetually guide us. Let the flame of liberty illuminate our journey!” Prodia the CRO.

Happy Independence Day, Indonesia! Merdeka!