Prodia the CRO attend the 5th ARSPTN Annual Meeting

Prodia CRO representative with Prof. dr. Nasronudin, Sp.PD-KPTI the chairman of ARSPTN

[Bandung, Indonesia] On 20 July 2024, Prodia the CRO attended the 5th annual meeting of the Association of Public University Hospital / Asosiasi Rumah Sakit Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (ARSPTN) in Bandung.

The existence of public universities hospital began when the Ministry of Health issued temporary permits for seven dental and oral hospitals (RSGM) belonging to public universities (perguruan tinggi negeri) simultaneously on 27 June 2002. These seven dental and oral hospitals were belonging to University of North Sumatra, University of Indonesia, Padjadjaran University, Gadjah Mada University, Hasanuddin University, Airlangga University, and Jember University.

Meanwhile, general hospitals (RSU) that belong to the public universities began with the establishment of hospitals that belong to Gadjah Mada University and Hasanuddin University in 2010, followed by hospital that belong to Airlangga University in 2011. Other public university hospitals were established afterwards in many places according to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) program at those time. In 2023, there were 39 public universities hospitals that consisted of 25 general hospitals and 14 Dental and Oral Hospitals.  The dynamics in managing public universities hospitals creating a sense of togetherness which was later manifested in the establishment of ARSPTN on 28 October 2017 in Surabaya.  To exchange ideas and experiences, ARSPTN routinely held an annual meeting. In 2024, the fifth ARSPTN annual meeting was held in Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung on 19-21 June 2024 and hosted by Padjajaran University Oral and Dental Hospitals. This meeting was attended by representatives from many public universities teaching hospital in Indonesia.  The theme of this 5th annual meeting is “Strengthening Hospital Competitiveness in the New Era Post the Implementation of Undang-undang No. 17 tahun 2023 regarding Health”

On the fifth ARSPTN Annual Meeting, two MURI (Indonesia World Records Museum) records were broken that are MURI World Records on Playing Angklung to accompany HIV song by the largest number of health care workers and MURI Indonesia Records: interprofessional education program with the largest number of students.

Prodia the CRO was one of the Sponsors for the ARSPTN 5th annual meeting. During this meeting, Dr. apt. Ida Paulina Sormin, M.Si, as a Site Management Organization Manager (SMO) of Prodia the CRO, gave a short presentation about the Development of Clinical Research Unit (CRU) for improving Clinical Trials in Indonesia. During the event, Prodia the CRO was also inviting the public university hospitals to collaborate with SMO for Clinical Research Unit Development.
