Clinical Research Unit (CRU) Webinar and Workshops

[Jakarta, Indonesia] — The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia issued a Ministry of Health Decree Number HK.01.07/MENKES/1458/2023 about Clinical Research Conduct in Hospital. In order to respond to the technological development in medicine and the increase of health problems complexity, the hospitals need to perform clinical research and innovation to improve health services in the hospital. To carry out the clinical research in hospital, it is necessary to conduct:

  1. Indonesia Clinical Research Center (INA-CRC)
  2. Clinical Research Unit (CRU)

As stipulated in this decree, the Clinical Research Unit (CRU) should be established in government-owned hospital, regional government hospital and private hospital. The CRU will be responsible for managing clinical research performed in the hospital.

In collaboration with the Directorate of Health Services Governance, Ministry of Health of The Republic of Indonesia, The Indonesia Association for The Study of Medicinals (IASMED) organized a Clinical Research Unit (CRU) Virtual Workshop on 21 December 2023. This workshop was attended by more than 300 participants from hospitals throughout Indonesia. It is a series of CRU webinar that has been held by IASMED since 14 November 2023.

There are two sessions and four topics presented in this workshop. The first topic discussed The Quality Management System in Hospitals, and the second session discussed the Standard Operating Procedure and Guidance of Performing Clinical Research in Hospitals. There are discussion sessions and case studies at the end of the sessions. Ms. Ida Paulina Sormin, Site Management Organization (SMO) Manager of Prodia the CRO, was given opportunity to present about the quality management system of CRU, SOP and guidance in performing clinical research in hospital. <IIR>
